OA_Page Development & Deployment To Oracle apps
Step1 : login to J-Developer by clicking on connection.
Step2: Create Oa workspace and Oa_project and give meaningful name them with default package eg. oracle.apps.ak.hrcosting.server
Step3: Create two new business component packages under oa_project without entity ,view object and application module eg.(Right click on Oa_project =>New business component package)
step4: It will be looking like fig.
Step5: Entity Object creation eg.
Right click on oracle.apps.ak.hrcosting.server =>New Entity Object =>give the database view name=> create one column as primary key=> check validation.
Step6: View Object Creation eg.
Right click on newly created Entity Object =>New default View object.
Step7 : Rebuld Project
Step8 : Page creation in webui
Right click on project =>new=>Expand Web Tier=>oa componenets=>page
Name that page eg. HRCOSTING
Step9: Rename the below region eg.MainRN and set the properties of that as below :
Region Style :PageLayout
AM Module : Appear automatically after clicking
Window Title and Title.
Step10: Create another region under MainRN
Name :QuerryRN
Region Style :querry
Construction mode: Result based search
Include simple panel-true
Include view panel-true
Include advanced panel-true.
Step11: right click on QuerryRN =>Region using wizard =>select view usage=>check application module=>select column.
Region style:Table
Records displayed:-6000
Step12: Item properties
Employee no :
Search allowed:true
Sort allowed :asending
Employee Name:
Search allowed :true
Sort allowed : no
Step13: Run the page HRCOSTING.xml
Deploying OA Page in Oracle apps Environment
The steps in brief are :
· Development of the JSP form in local machine
· Transferring the related source code/files to the Oracle APPS environment.
· Importing the new directory structure/path of the page/form in the MDS repository
· Registration of the form in the Oracle Apps environment
Step1: I’ve developed the HRCOSTING Page in
D:\softwares\JDeveloper\p4573517_11i_GENERIC\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects directory.
It is given at the time of workspace, project and package creation time.
I’ve kept my xml pages in webui and EOP, VO and AM in server folder of the
Hrcosting folder.
HRCOSTING folder is at location :
So the root directory of my project is
On project compilation the class files along with xml files are generated in Myclasses of
D:\softwares\JDeveloper\p4573517_11i_GENERIC\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses folder
Go to myclasses\oracle\apps\ak\hrcosting folder
Eg. D:\softwares\JDeveloper\p4573517_11i_GENERIC\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses\oracle\apps\ak\hrcosting
Structure is as below :
Webui folder structure as :
And server folder structure as :
The next step will be to move the files into the JAVA_TOP of the Application server.
Transfer the folder hrcosting in binary mode from local machine path as :
To Java top of the application server as below :
(Transfer of all the class files should be in binary mode )
Give the 755 permission to the entire hrcosting folder transferred by using unix command.
Chmod –R 755 hrcosting
Next step is Importing Xml files :
Open command prompt on your machine(local machine)
Go to the Jdeveloper\jdevbin\jdev\bin directory
(Kindly note hat the import command is to be run from Jdeveloper/Jdevbin/Jdev/Bin).
The Import from HRCOSTING (HRCOSTING.xml) page is as follows :
import D:\softwares\JDeveloper\p4573517_11i_GENERIC\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\oracle\apps\ak\hrcosting\webui\HRCOSTING.xml -username apps -password hp75400 -rootdir D:\softwares\JDeveloper\p4573517_11i_GENERIC\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\ -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = (PORT = 1546))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = TEST)))"
(The command should be in single line)
You will get the “Importing /oracle/apps/ak/hrcosting/webui/HRCOSTING
Import Completed “ message at the bottom.
Note here : “ /oracle/apps/ak/hrcosting/webui/HRCOSTING” this path.
It is useful when giving html call to form function.
Registering the Page as Form Function
Create a form function by using System Administrator Responsibility .
Enter Properties (Tab) Type as SSWA jsp function.
In Web HTML(tab)
Enter the Main xml page path
(Don’t append .xml with the path, it results in error)
Attach the function with a menu and then run from the respective responsibility.
You may need to bounce the Apache server.(adapcctl.sh)
When I run the page from menu it appears as :
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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